Friday 21 January 2011

Site Rollover

It's been a while since we've updated! With so much going on it's hard to do things right sometimes but we're giving the how to not be shy site a massive overhaul during today. In fact we're giving the book away as a free download (you lucky people). 

Sunday 24 October 2010

Stop Being Shy

I wanted to share a quote with you that meant a lot to me when I was treating to learn how to not be shy.


“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid”


A good way to stop being shy is to join a group or club (I've mentioned this before) but aside from having a common ground to talk about if you actually enjoy the activity you can become so wrapped up in it and forget that you're supposed to be shy in the first place. It really does work and I do suggest trying it.

Friday 8 October 2010

How to Not Be Shy

It's been a tough couple of days trying to put together the how to not be shy book. I keep having to fix things on the website (thanks to everyone who emailed in) and now the how to not be shy site problems seem to be fixed. Sorry if you've tried to view the site in the last few days - it should be working properly from now on!


On a side note I found a video on Youtube I'd like to share with everyone. It's about shyness and it's specific to dating and relationships. It's really only a small part of beating shyness and learning how to not be shy - but it's worth watching.



Thanks for reading,


Thursday 7 October 2010

How to Not Be Shy

Welcome to the How to Not Be Shy update blog! Here you'll find general news updates on the site or the package. You'll also find general information, videos and tips on how to not be shy. We'll update as we go along and I hope you find as much information and help here as you do on the how not to be shy site.

The blog takes it's posts from the how not to be shy posterous blog and it's posted on most of the major networks so everyone can keep updated and participate in discussions.

See also:

The Wordpress site. The Xanga Site. The Livejournal site. The Blogspot site. So pick your favourite network(s) and keep up to date with us!